Saturday, March 3, 2012

Organic Doggie Treats

Organic Doggie Treats 

So, even the dog is going organic. Meet the love of my life, my beautiful baby puppy... Elliana Gatz..AKA "Ellie"....

Isn't she adorable.. she even smiles.. :)

Ok, back to the doggie treats. I wanted to make a treat for Ellie that isn't full of fillers, or just odd/weird things. So, I made these..

Organic Doggie Treats


2 Cups Organic Wheat Flour 
1 Cup Almond Milk 
1 Tablespoon Baking Powder 
1 Cup organic/natural peanut butter 

Pre-heat oven to 350
1. Mix all of your ingredients into one large bowl. Once it is well mixed, spread it out onto a lightly flowered surface. Roll out until about 1/4 inch thick.

2. Then, I used a pizza cutter and cut the treats into two inch squares.

3. I lined them up on a lightly greased cookie sheet, and baked for about 15 mins. The bottoms were light brown when I pulled them out.

4. Let cool. Store in an air tight container. (I am not sure how long these will last... its the first time I have made them, so I'll keep you posted!

So, the real question is.... did the dog approve??

She definitely is enjoying them!! 

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