Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fresh Tortillas

For the love of things unprocessed and fresh, last night I made tortillas. Super simple, with very few ingredients, and super yummy. We really (and I mean REALLY) love Mexican food. We will go weeks and all we eat is Mexican. I am waiting for the day I get tired of it.... hasn't happened yet. Anyways, Mexican cuisine can be really REALLY unhealthy. Most of the food includes lard. Lard, really?!

No, I will not ever have "lard" enter my home. Sorry. Aint happenen.

So we make healthy Mexican. Using good oils and grill over fry. Its really great. We can enjoy out favorite foods without feeling guilty.

The tortillas were no exception. All the reciepes I scanned had like 1/4C LARD for just a few tortillas. SICK. Nasty.

So, I found some people that were protesting lard like me and were reducing the "fat" and using EVO instead of lard. Me like.

So this is it... less fat, unprocessed, fresh tortillas.

Fresh Tortillas 

4 C unbleached, organic flour.
1 t Salt
1 1/2 C water
6 T Olive Oil

Mix all ingredients together until you have a smooth dough. You may need to add more water or flour to get the right constancy.  You want it smooth, not sticky. After you mix everything, let rest for about 10 mins or so.

Divide dough into 16 equal pieces. flatten each piece until is about 7-8in in diameter.

Spray a little EVO into you pan and cook the dough for about 1 min on each side, or until lightly brown on each side.

Serve hot.

and enjoy, b/c they are great :)